Thursday, August 13, 2009

Excel 2003 as default application for opening .xls files

This method will turn off the office 2007 re-register feature that makes office 2007 applications the default program for office documents.

Make Excel 2003 the default application for opening .xls files stick by doing the following:
1. Start --> Run----> Regedit
2. Navigate to the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\Options
3. Right click on the Options folder, Select New---> DWORD Value ----> Type "NoReReg" for the Dword Value without quotation marks.
4. Right click on the NoReReg DWORD Value and click Modify. In the Value Date box, type 1 and then click OK.
5. Once you have edited the registry key listed above, open Excel 2003 and click on Help (found on the main toolbar) and select Detect and Repair.
6. If Detect and Repair process completes successfully proceed to Step 7. If the Detect and Repair process stops and asks you for the .msi file, mount DiegoStart and go to Z:\software\common\office11 and double click on OWC11.msi file.
7. After performing steps 1-5, try opening an existing or a new .xls file by double clicking it. The .xls file should open by default using Excel 2003 instead of Excel 2007.



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